Jojoba seeds and jar of jojoba oil

Ingredient Spotlight: Jojoba Oil

When it comes to natural skincare, few oils can match the effectiveness of jojoba oil. Derived from the seeds of the jojoba plant, this oil boasts skin benefits that have made it a staple in many Sassafras Hill products. 

Absorbs Quickly: Jojoba oil is like a refreshing drink for parched skin. What sets it apart is its striking resemblance to the sebum naturally produced by our skin. This means that when you apply jojoba oil, it doesn't just sit on the surface; it's quickly absorbed, providing deep and lasting hydration.

No Clogged Pores: Worried about oils causing breakouts? Let us dispel your fears. With a low comedogenic rating, jojoba oil is less likely to clog your pores compared to other oils. It quickly absorbs into your skin, so it won't sit on the skin's surface blocking pores. 

Soothes Irritated Skin: Jojoba oil is an excellent choice when dealing with sensitive and irritated skin. Its moistutizing properties soothe inflammation and redness.

Sassafras Hill is comitted to using only quality, effective ingredients. We use jojoba oil in our bath teas, body butters, sugar scrubs and beard oils. 


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